WindThunder Package File Format
Archived from on 2006/2/7
Grudgingly copied and pasted from his browser by D

WindThunder Package Files are used in Heroine Anthem I&II, and possibly in a few other titles from WindThunder. They provide the hulking beast of graphical power needed by WindThunder games. Their proper extension is “.bin.”

I have yet to see a WT Package File under 750MB, making these things mammoth. Their offsets are defined by double values, making the upper-limit of a WT Package File somewhere around 16 exabytes. As of this document, the entire content of could fit in one WT Package File.

The file format was made to cope with the massive amount of graphics constantly pulled into Heroine Anthem. By putting all the graphics into one file, WindThunder was able to cut down on disk space and speed up it’s graphic loading by keeping one file stream open throughout the game instead of constantly opening new ones.

The structure of a WT Package File is detailed below:

ID Tag: 'WT Package File' [24 bytes, string]
File count [8 bytes, double]
(file loop)
  File name [24 bytes, string]
  File path [128 bytes, string]
  File size [4 bytes, long]
  File offset [8 bytes, double]
(end loop)

A proof of method capable of extracting any WT Package File follows:

$fd = fopen ('WTPack.bin', 'rb');
if(rtrim(fread($fd, 24)) != 'WT Package File') die;
list($junk, $count) = unpack('d*', fread($fd, 8 ));
$name = array();
$source = array();
$size = array();
$offset = array();
for($i=0; $i< $count; $i++) {
  $name[$i] = rtrim(fread($fd, 24));
  $source[$i] = rtrim(fread($fd, 128));
  list($junk, $size[$i]) = unpack('V*', fread($fd, 4));
  list($junk, $offset[$i]) = unpack('d*', fread($fd, 8 ));
for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {
  foreach(split('/',dirname($source[$i])) as $dirpart)
  $fo = fopen($source[$i].$name[$i], 'w');
  fseek($fd, $offset[$i], SEEK_SET);
  fputs($fo, fread($fd, $size[$i]));